We kick off the new season for AJCC2022 with the new SCOPUS indexed journal. Please welcome … “Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology (APST) (Q3)”

AJCC: The Asia Joint Conference on Computing
We kick off the new season for AJCC2022 with the new SCOPUS indexed journal. Please welcome … “Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology (APST) (Q3)”
Important dates
February 25th, 2021 Session Time Event address for attendees Event number Event password Main 8.00-17.00 https://nu.webex.com/nu/onstage/g.php?MTID=e5c2601b499e27f4347fd2c4f5d22664b 184 225 4228 RRz4yBGBC85 A 10.00-12.00 https://nu.webex.com/nu/onstage/g.php?MTID=e43fd76f758f9d48c80ba4c4127503240 184 785 7912 mBYiP3YeV73 B 10.00-12.00 https://nu.webex.com/nu/onstage/g.php?MTID=e240393ce2756a3b670cdf3b3692568a2 184 547 7759 TRcJfFYB343 C 10.00-12.00 https://nu.webex.com/nu/onstage/g.php?MTID=ed645d0618babacb3d73de3453dd6f271 184 122 4278 tbMeJ8mms37 D 10.00-12.00 https://nu.webex.com/nu/onstage/g.php?MTID=e22c9dac4876ac8c23033a09b75272c45 184 056 0494 GugmGnxi234 E 13.00-15.30 https://nu.webex.com/nu/onstage/g.php?MTID=efc0c0e3bff79342640ec993b83e3d4d6 184 541 9438 AhpYM79V34j …
Here are the new deadlines for AJCC2021: •Jan. 5, 2021: Camera-ready submission deadline •Jan. 10, 2021: Early bird registration deadline •Jan 11-22, 2021: Late registration •Feb. 25-26, 2021: AJCC conference date
Only 8 days left for submission. please submit your article at: https://easychair.org/cfp/AJCC2021
The new deadline for paper submission is Nov 30, 2020. Submit your article at: https://easychair.org/cfp/AJCC2021
We are proudly to inform you that all accepted papers will be published in selected journals. So many choices available, range from Q2-Q4. List of our collaborative journals. submit your article at: https://easychair.org/cfp/AJCC2021