We are pleased to inform you that the winner of the best paper award this year will walk away with the cash prize of 5,000 Baht. So, please write the paper with the efforts. Good luck. Submit your article at: https://easychair.org/cfp/AJCC2021

AJCC: The Asia Joint Conference on Computing
We are pleased to inform you that the winner of the best paper award this year will walk away with the cash prize of 5,000 Baht. So, please write the paper with the efforts. Good luck. Submit your article at: https://easychair.org/cfp/AJCC2021
The submission deadline is extended for another two weeks. The new deadline for paper submission is 15th Nov, 2020.
We accept both Thai and English manuscripts in the following topics* (but not limited to): AI: Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing, Computer vision, Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning CI: Computational Intelligence SE: Software Engineering KDM: Knowledge and Data Management CSN: Computer Systems and Computer Networks MCG: Multimedia, Computer Graphics and Games CE: Computer Education BI: Business Intelligence …
Journal of Applied Informatics and Technology (JIT) is a Thailand based journal that focuses on informatics, technology, and other related areas. More partner journals please follow this link: http://www.ajcc-conf.net/collaborative-journals/
Welcome our newest journal partner: Engineering and Applied Science Research (EASR) indexed by Scopus (Q2). Submit your article via EasyChair
Submit your article via EasyChair
Reviewing Criteria In order to make AJCC to be transparent and help you to self evaluate your manuscript, we would like to present our evaluation form for AJCC2021. Those evaluation criteria are adopt from our partner journals and also IEEE & ACM Transactions. Each section has different weight which is used for score calculation. Read …
Please note that the manuscript should NOT have the similarity score more than 25% (and normally should be less than 20%). The first item in the list should have the similarity <= 2%. This is a requirement from our collaborative journals. Any manuscript fails to meet this requirement will be immediately REJECTED. However, any papers which are rejected by …
We have some good news from ICIC Express Letter (Q3) 1. Selected papers from AJCC will be published in Vol.12, No.5 May, 2021 (3 months from the conference dates) 2. Reduce the publication charge from 48,000 (JPY) to 40,000 JPY (Only for AJCC authors) Only 2 months left. please download the template click: http://www.ajcc-conf.net/submission/